Vision, Mission and Goals

A distinguished faculty with a prestigious position locally and regionally in education, scientific research, and community service.

To provide the highest quality academic programs necessary for preparing outstanding educational personnel, effectively employing scientific research to develop and resolve issues in the educational process, and offering specialized consultations and services required by community institutions.

The strategic goals of the faculty, derived from the university’s strategic objectives, are as follows:


  • Introducing new programs and specializations in accordance with labor market needs.
  • Obtaining local quality certificates for some academic programs within the faculty.
  • Securing accreditation certificates for some academic programs.
  • Modifying the study plans of various academic programs in the faculty to align with labor market requirements.
  • Developing and expanding the use of e-learning and distance learning.
  • Enhancing and developing the teaching and learning processes within the faculty.
  • Upgrading the infrastructure and classroom facilities in the faculty.
  • Advancing the field training programs (practical education) in the faculty.
  • Activating the external scholarship system through bilateral agreements with distinguished faculties of education.


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